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Despite government’s new found commitment to the promotion of family planning and supply chain policy changes, Uganda’s public health care system remains plagued by stock outs of contraceptives at the facility level. This lack of availability contributes to the low Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) and high unmet need. Most importantly, it limits a woman’s choice.

HEPS Uganda drawing from the larger Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition(RHSC) Stock out Initiative approach of generating the passion and political will needed to meaningfully mobilize action around this critical issue is focusing on mobilizing communities to take action at the facility-level to address stock-outs, and then packaging evidence gathered at the local-level to be shared at the national level.

This project compliments and connects other RHSC activities taking place in Uganda. Firstly, the research conducted by Ibis Reproductive Health takes place in the same districts as this project. The output of the research will inform the work of this project and will also form part of the evidence package for national-level advocacy. Secondly, this project supports progress needed for Uganda to full commitments made to
FP2020. The evidence gathered at the local level will thus feed into advocacy activities that fall under the RHSC’s Commitments Initiative and will be carried out by a sub-grantee to be determined.

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