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HEPS is one of the three core leading Community Led Monitoring (CLM)
implementation in Uganda, HEPS also dubs as the fiscal agency for CLM in Uganda.
Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) also known as the “Iraka Ly’Abantu Project” is a
social accountability model that is being used by communities to hold duty bearers and
health facilities accountable for improved quality of HIV and TB services that are being
provided with the support of the US Government through the US President’s Emergency
Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The model has been implemented in Uganda by
communities of people living with HIV (PLHIV) for the past two years as part of the
process of engaging in PEPFAR’s annual country planning process and quarterly
oversight and accountability activities.

The Iraka Ly’Abantu Project will use community-led facility and non-facility-based
monitoring of HIV services as an evidence-based advocacy intervention to detect and
address problems in the HIV response that are undermining retention in treatment
programs and are resulting in ongoing preventable transmission of HIV.
In 2020, civil society in Uganda received funding support from PEPFAR to implement a
new effort of community led monitoring and advocacy program of HIV services. This
program has trained and equipped community monitors at the level of HIV service
delivery (such as Health Centers, District and Regional Referral Hospitals, and Private
not for Profit health facilities), to assess the quality and accessibility of health services
being provided to adults and children living with HIV, and Ugandans at risk of HIV
These findings are captured, analyzed and used by advocacy networks at the sub
District, District and National level to secure corrective actions to the issues and
challenges uncovered through CLM.
This innovative program builds on years of civil society work to track PEPFAR program
performance in Uganda, and to advocate for PEPFAR to invest its budget in response
to the concerns and recommendations of Ugandan communities.

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