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HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us on the above address.

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HEPS Uganda is currently implementing ”Defeat TB project” in Mukono district with funding from USAID and URC. The project aims at increasing tuberculosis (TB) case notification, case detection and treatment outcomes through health system strengthening with the aim of ending the TB epidemic.

The key Defeat TB result areas include:

  • To increase screening and detection of all forms of tuberculosis in infants, children, adolescents, and adults at facility and community levels
  • To initiate and complete treatment for all patients diagnosed with all forms of TB
  • To ensure strong community systems to support the continuum of TB prevention, screening, diagnosis, care, and treatment
  • To enhance leadership and technical capacity of the TB program at national and subnational levels to effectively guide and manage implementation of TB control activities
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