With support from FIND and Unitaid, Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS-Uganda) is implementing a national campaign to accelerate test-and-treat uptake for COVID-19.
Today, we ask your opinion on Covid-19 testing:
Send your message to 8884, FREE of charge: Go to messages on your phone & type SIMBA (SPACE) ANSWER (A, B, C, D or E) then your GENDER (F or M). We encourage women and girls to participate.
What would motivate you to go for a Covid-19 test?
A – If I know more about the benefits of testing
B – If there would be no stigma surrounding someone getting tested
C – If testing is free of charge
D – If there’s a testing facility nearby
E – Covid is not a big problem and testing is unnecessary
Thank you for your opinion, and time. Kindly always visit our website for more polls.