HEPS-Uganda will on 23rd March 2012 launch the Health Rights Action (HEAR) Project at its Mbarara in the targeted sub counties of Rugando, Ndeija, Bugamba, Nyakayojo, Mwizi in Rwampara and 3 zones of Mbarara municipality. HEAR is a two years project geared towards increasing citizen awareness and demand for protection of Health Rights and funded by the Independent Development Fund (IDF). This will start with the inception workshop on the 19th to 23rd the day of the launch which will climax every activity.
This project targets women, clubs, youth and the disabled people through their CBOs, CSOs and VHTs in the target sub counties, local government leaders at different levels, health providers in Mbarara. This project will create awareness and empower people in their communities. It is on the lessons leant and results yielded in HEPS-IDF supported project like identification of the gaps in provisions that protect the right to health in Uganda that the HEAR project is building on.