HEPS-Uganda joined by various CSOs Shared with the Parliamentary Health Committee issues regarding functionalizing the operations of the Health Unit Management Committees, a community participation structure established by the Ministry of Health. Community participation as expounded in different Ministry documents such as the Patients Charter gives citizens a right to participate in promoting primary health care service delivery.
However for these committees to work effectively in pursuing their mandate, their composition should be more independent persons away from the politics. This therefore calls for the reviewing and amending the MoH HUMCs Guidelines.
HEPS Uganda is leading a Civil Society campaign to strengthen the legal framework of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs) that will guarantee active and meaningful community participation in health service delivery in Uganda.
The campaign advocates for a HUMCs Act of Parliament that would mandate and recognise the operations on HUMCs. This would guarantee social participation in health service delivery hence improving access and quality of health care in Uganda. Multiple layers of policy gaps require attention for this to happen though.