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- Create Date 21/03/2023
- Last Updated 21/03/2023
Testing and Prompt Diagnosis will Keep the COVID-19 Response Alive
Ministry of Health (MOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that Uganda has a
high demand for COVID-19 testing services to identify, isolate and manage cases; trace contacts;
guide decision-making on public health measures; and track the pandemic and the virus. However, a study conducted by HEPS-Uganda has found the overall uptake of COVID-19 testing services to have diminished, constrained by system and point-of-care challenges, general complacency, and weak demand at the community level. Based on the findings of the study, this brief calls for re-
newed implementation of COVID-19 testing protocols, roll out of the ‘gold standard’ COVID-19 test-
ing method to lower health facilities, and interventions that will shore up demand.