If you have been in a public march before you know what it means to march with 800.
On Saturday 3rd July, policy makers, implementers civil society, Children etc … braved the hot morning, from TASO headquarters to Railway grounds (3 kilometers) to send a message to the world that pediatric HIV/AIDS can be eradicated.
At the railway grounds, the campaign was a launched. The chief guest Hon. Prof. Washington Anokbonggo Vice Chairperson HIV/AIDS Committee Parliament of Uganda, Ministry of Health officials, senior anti HIV/AIDS activists like Prof Peter Mugyenyi promised to do everything possible to support the campaign to achieve it objectives.
At the launch function, the mission was communicated to all stakeholders. For bottlenecks now, whether policy or implementation, they know that they cannot miss the rockets of the CEPA National Level Advocacy Action Plan (NAAP), and those that will not surrender won’t survive the shots from the Regional Level Advocacy Action Plan (RAAP) and Global Advocacy Action Plan (GAAP).
A number of local companies like Britania Industries, Crown beverages supported us, with drinks and eats. HIVOS also supported us with funds. Partners like The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) put in support. It was a powerful launch!!!
Basing on our experience, HEPS-Uganda would like to recommend to all the CEPA countries to consider organizing an annual CEPA march themed ‘End of pediatric HIV/AIDS March’ we can even put it in the calendar and have it on the same day …….across the 6 countries.