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HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us on the above address.

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Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS- Uganda) is a non- governmental organization (NGO) that promotes the health and socioeconomic rights of vulnerable individuals, groups and communities. We were registered as an NGO in November 2000. We are a membership organization, consisting of individual and institutional members who support health consumer rights and identify with the organization’s values.

HEPS-Uganda works across all major regions of Uganda, at community, district as well as national levels. We work in 23 of the country’s 135 districts and cities, with four field offices.

Health Accountability

Increased government accountability to the population's health and social needs. 

Social Enterprise & Investment

Knowledge Development, Management & Learning

Enhanced knowledge management and learning. 

Institutional Development

Strengthened institutional capacity of HEPS-Uganda


A society where health and socio-economic rights are realized  


To promote access to health and socio-economic resources through research, capacity-building, advocacy, and collaboration.  

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